Kool Kettlebells

My training philosophy: Simple. Brief. Frequent.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Swings day. Did some warm up mobility work and then hit it.
Ladders- 24 - 40k x 5/5 x 3 cycles. I did a set every 30 seconds. I didn't use the Beast 'cause I'm not going heavy today.
1/2 get ups x 20 left, 10 right x 16k.
Arm bars- 10 left, 5 right x 16k.
On both these exercises I did half the left hand reps, rested then did the other half.
Mobility work then played DS while laying on my belly to relax my back for 10 minutes or so.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Circuit- Bohemian bench squats (pistols), chins-in four directions(grips) and clean & presses. I went from 0 bodyweight up to a 24k bell for 3 reps on the pistols & presses and 4 reps on the chins. This took about 10 minutes.
After a short 10 minutes break I did 24k snatches- 10/10 x 5 sets in 6 minutes. Worked on my breathing sequence.
10 minutes of Z drills to work out the kinks and I'm off my sons art show.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yesterday before my kettlebell class I did open palm TGU's. It's funny how much balnce is required to hold a round ball of metal while you stand up and lie back down. 12k- 24k 1 rep each hand. Also did an arm bar at the end of every rep. Shoulders are feeling good!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Am- Z drills warm up. Got my chance at the new massage chair, finally! It's totally awesome!
Later did TGU's - 12k reg/ bottoms up. 16k reg/bottoms up x 1 each side x 3 sets.
Later practiced snatches- 12k- 32k 5/5. Ladders- 24/ 32k x 5/5 x 3 cycles for 60 reps.
Later again- Did clubbell & gada stick contortions to work the shoulders thru many different ranges of motion.
Off to practice golf with one of my boys.

Monday, March 16, 2009

C & P- 12 - 32kg. 40 didn't go. Cleaned the Beast two times each side then did a TGU on each side. Swings- 24k - 48 k x 5/5 at each weight. Did another set of cleans with the Beast. Z-Drills. I was beat from staying up too late watching Celebrity Apprentice and some of the Doom and Gloom newscast. BOO hoo. I predict that Jesse James will be the last man standing.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Z-drills to warm up. Clean & press- 12k -32k x 2, 40k x 1. Swings- 32k - 48k x 5/5. TGU the Beast- x 1/1.
Z-drills as a finisher.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Pistol/ tactical chin circuit after Z-drills. 12k x 2/2, 16k x 2/2, 24k x 1/1, 32k x 1/1. Changed clothes then came back and did snatches 24k x 25/25. Z-drills to stay loose.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Heavy- cleans, TGU's, swings done briefly. High frequency, low volume.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fast circuits of pistols off a bench and chins. 12k x 2/2, 16k x 2/2, 24k x 2/1, 32k x 2/1 x 2 cycles. Z drills b4 & after.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

#8 club swings and swipes x 10 each. #12.5 x 5 each. #13 Gada's x 5 each. Those are a little trickier with the long handles. Had to choke up on them so they don't hit the floor on the backswing.
Double TGU's- lunge style- 16's- 32's x l/r 1 rep each. Just worked on perfecting the placement and pick-up of the second bell. Stopped with plenty of gas in the tank for the week ahead. Good for the legs, hips, torso, shoulder girdle.

Friday, March 06, 2009

I feel the need for TGU's.
Warm up and cool down of Z drills, hindu push ups, hindu squats and wall walks.
TGU's- squat style- 16-32kg right/left. 40 kg lunge style r/l.
Alternating arm bars 24k x 4 per side. Just enough to take the edge off. Did some juggling of oranges for hand/eye coordination practice.
Judo tomorrow!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

KB dead lifts with perfect form. 24's - 40's x 4 reps. 48's x 10 reps.
Swing ladders- 24 - 48 x 5/5 single arm perfect swings. 24- 40 x 5/5 again.
I did my Mike T. prescribed Z drills b4 and after the kb work.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The Power of Z-Health
Since taking the Z-health certifications last spring and Summer I have…
Signed up and participated in judo classes. Just yesterday I received my yellow belt.
Rode a unicycle.
I can ride a Ripstick for however long I want
I got rhythm- I know this is hard to believe but it is true. I can do more than the “white man dance” at weddings now, which makes my wife very happy!
I’ve fixed my aches, pains, eyes and previous injuries, with the help of my Z- Health Master Trainer Mike T. Nelson.

Why did this all happen? It happened because I move better now than I ever have in my whole life. That’s from doing daily Z-Health drills and from seeing a Z-Health coach. It works better than anything else I’ve ever tried at fixing your bodies restrictions to improve your movement skills because every problem is a movement problem. No drugs, no surgery no long recovery, no needles, no trips to the hospital where you might end up with flesh eating disease (this happened recently to a woman where I live.) Just simple, precise, joint movements can deliver the right release from a restriction, instantly.
Learn more about Z-Health and it’s astounding impact on health and restoration on my website.