Kool Kettlebells

My training philosophy: Simple. Brief. Frequent.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My goals
1. Snatch a 24k bell for a full ten minutes without setting the bell down.
2. Stay injury free and get better shoulder Range-Of-Motion, strentgh and stability by using indian clubs of a half pound to 15 pounds.

So here's what I did today...
Indian club warm-ups 2# clubs for a couple minutes.
Snatch warm-up with 16k bell x 6 each side.
24k x 10 reps x 1:15 min/sec. R/L = 2:30 min/sec.
Oven mitt swings with 32k x 17 reps x 30 sec. L/R.
Round-a-bouts x 32k x 10 x 30 sec. R/L.
Figure eigths 32k x 30 sec each way.
Figure eight to a hold x 30 seconds.
2# indian clubs again for a cool down.

Completed in 19 minutes and 11 seconds.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

I'm now holding steady at 215 pounds. That would be 20 pounds over my top "BMI" weight. Technically "overweight". But you tell me, who do the girls at the beach look at. Me or the pencil neck "Dr. " that told me three years ago to "cut out the desserts"?
Been keeping training real simple. Top and bottom partial range, thick bar deadlifts. Double and single arm KB presses. The DL's help me activate the lats for pressing. No ballistics or ropes for now. Always doing Z drills throughout the day.