Kool Kettlebells

My training philosophy: Simple. Brief. Frequent.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Here's what I did today for training...
Frankensteins- This is a three part kettlebell exercise. A halo followed by a forward press from the chest to straight arm position; then a squat from the horse stance while keeping the arms straight, shoulders rolled back and down to engage the lats, arms, back etc... I used the 8, 12 and 16kg kettlebells for one set at each weight. I don't count reps for these. I focus on QUALITY.

Double kettlebell swings- outside the legs- 12's, 16's; witht the 24's I swung outside the legs one set then Sumo style the next for four sets of ten reps. I quit here because I have to save up some recovery for Judo tonight, from 5 to 6:30 pm.
Have a Happy and VERY Safe New Year!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Today I did Health lifts up to 405 pounds mid thigh level x 4 reps.
Overhead squats with barbell- 1/8 range of motion 135 pounds x 5 reps and 3 reps. I'll get deeper, it just a matter of time. Did wall walks between sets for the spine, hips, neck and shoulders. A wonderful compilment to the Health lift and overhead squats, they really "open you up" as Pavel says.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Last night I did some dead lifts. Bar x 3, 135 x 3, 225 x 3 for speed. 315 x 1. 405- just cracked it off the floor. Could have gone to lock out. My spine felt good, especially my upper back from the OH squats with the bar and kettlebells. Then I did see saw presses with 16's, 24's and 32's for 10 reps per set. Done.
Today I'm doing sots presses to OH squats in different combinations really focusing on pushing back with the arms from the shoulders to gain much needed flexibility. I will focus on these for the Winter in all combinations. I'm going to try some OH squats with the heavy bands when I'm done here. Judo was cancelled for today, too much SNOW.
Simple, brief, frequent, repeat...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Part Two-
Over head Squats- rope x 3, bar x 3, 135# x 3 partials. My nervous system wasn't too cool with descending very far with 135 #'s over my head. Bar x 3 with a nice isometric pause in the hole.
Break for 1/2 hour.
Polar bear crawls on the patio- 16's x 25 steps for a warm up. 24's x 25 one way and 26 the other way. I used pipe foam on the handles to make the grip bigger, softer and more challenging. There's is no better cardio or ab exercise than this one.
1/2 get ups- 32kg x 3 x 2 sets. I did the OH squats on a tip from a friend who said his friend did them and his squat went way, way up. I believe it! You have to develope TREMENDOUS shoulder flexibity and stabilization throughout the whole body, or else you fall over.
Dan John recommends this to his throwers as sometimes the ONLY exercise they should practice. I beleive he had a coach or knew of one who wouldn't let anyone throw the shot until they could do bodyweight with this. That could involve alot of dieting and alot of OH squats.LOL!

I'm on a Z and kettlebell diet. I've really backed off on my daily Z training and kettlebell training on days when I don't have classes. I feel GREAT! I also started loading creatine the weekend before Thankgiving. I've never felt the effects of creatine before but I really felt it this time. I must have been very depleted so my body sucked it up like a spongebob.
Anyway, I just do very little training on my own outside of class. I hit the push-up board one day. Throw the keg around the backyard another day. Do swings, 1/2 get up's and side presses with my class once a week and if Mr. Murphy leaves me alone I will lift some heavy weight off the floor on a barbell tonight and side press or bent press a kettlebell or two. I do not train hard the day before Judo. I need to save my recovery for Judo practice.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Yesterday I figured out how to Z-Health my pain in my right ankle and knee away. I did what I learned at I-Phase. Opposite joint, opposite movement to correct the problem. Myankle pain is 99.75% better even today. The knee take very well to superslow serving teacups from Qigong.
Yesterday did some partner assisted strength training. That was different. SAID principle in action. I haven't lifted anyone and twirled them to the side, ever. My poor partners are both alot lighter than me. Pity! It's good training for them. Wait till we Randori (have a Judo match)!!!

This morning the boys and I battled our way to and from the grocery store against those damn, rude church people! I tell ya, 30 mph thru a snow covered parking lot is no big thing when your in a hurry to get to church to have Jesus save your soul.

Then this afternoon we had to do battle at the gas station in the same vicinity with a post church older guy in a hurry to park in nthe fire lane. How can you be expected to see a white car going 30 mph thru the entrance while your backing up and it's snowing?
I simply waved and went to get gas. When he left, he waved back and I shouted "Have a NICE day! And Fawn thinks I'm mellow!! Boy do I have her fooled. LOL!

The boys and I went for an almost two hour hike thru the hills in Newport. It's very rugged, winding, hilly terrain. We made a fire when we got back to the picnic area in a coffee can to practice lighting fires in the cold and snow. Good training because our first fire went out from lack of oxygen. We turned the can sideways and got it going again. The fire went way down so I showed them my magic fanning technique and it blazed right back up better than ever.
More Judo practice this morning and after returning home from our expedition.

Friday, December 05, 2008

The quick and dead.
Barbell behind the back deadlifts- 225 x 3 x 2 sets. Good for the knees and hammies. Tried to go faster on each rep during the last set once I had the groove down.
KB Side press- 12, 16, 24, 32 x 2 x 1 set at each weight. Upper body, core killer. Push from the lat. I used "bone rythym" here. It works pretty darn well.
Farmers walks with the Beasties for 30 seconds to train the ankles, feet and grip for Judo.
It's Miller time...