Kool Kettlebells

My training philosophy: Simple. Brief. Frequent.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Here's what I did today for training...
Frankensteins- This is a three part kettlebell exercise. A halo followed by a forward press from the chest to straight arm position; then a squat from the horse stance while keeping the arms straight, shoulders rolled back and down to engage the lats, arms, back etc... I used the 8, 12 and 16kg kettlebells for one set at each weight. I don't count reps for these. I focus on QUALITY.

Double kettlebell swings- outside the legs- 12's, 16's; witht the 24's I swung outside the legs one set then Sumo style the next for four sets of ten reps. I quit here because I have to save up some recovery for Judo tonight, from 5 to 6:30 pm.
Have a Happy and VERY Safe New Year!


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