Kool Kettlebells

My training philosophy: Simple. Brief. Frequent.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Yesterday I performed my version of the TGU AnyHow. Use two KB's of the same size. Start out like normal. When you get to the lunge position deadlift the other kettlebell. Stand up. Get your legs into position for a clean. Clean the deadlifted KB. Press the dealifted KB. Bring the other KB to shoulder and unclean it to deadlift position. Go to the ground. Repeat the above sequence on this side.
I tested before and after every set of these and got better and got better and better movement. All this was done for three sets in about eight minutes.
The TgU AnyHow works the upper body very thoroughly. Today I'll have to hit the legs with swings.
Bill Pearl has said "Make your training easier". That's from a guy who starts training before the Sun comes up for two hours six days per week.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First a joke or two.
The Geoff Neupert 30 minute workout: 10 minutes of joint mobility. 10 minutes of weightlifting and then a 10 minute Ambulance ride to the Hospital. Done.
Pilates: Better known as the "Crappie Flop" up here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes.
Yesteday's training was divided into two 10 minute segments. The first was a warm up of KB deadlifts and the Gada Stick. That was followed by one hand swings with the 70 pound bell. 30, 30, 30 and 10 reps for the sets. That equals 100 reps.
The next training session was double get-ups my version. 18+26lb, 26+35lb and 35+ 53lb x 1/1. Done. I did test everything and the get ups were the best, of course.
More to come next time...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Friday I got an adjustment from my chiropractor Dr. John Hilpisch in Lake Elmo, MN. I trained my wife and Shelly Friday night for an hour.
Saturday I used the 12 and 16kg bells. I really wanted to work the bottoms up presses and John Brookfield's tower of Terror.
Today my grip is fried along with the backs of my shoulders. I'll hit the belt swings later on today with just the 32kbell for two to three minute sets.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thick bar Break aways ( just lifting bar off rack or floor. 135# low rack position, off the floor straddling bar, off the floor to just above knee height. 5, 2 and three reps. I hit up the indian clubs as soon as I'm done here.
I'll be Back...

Internet Explorer: If it's not good enough for the German Government, then we don't need it either!
That's my new Mantra.
Our computer guy Joe www.big-dog-solutions told me the German Gov't warned against using internet exploder for the simple fact that it lets too many viruses and crap onto your computer.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today I played with the sandbags. I was SO BORED at work I think my eyes crossed and recrossed. There's only so much a guy can take.
Sandbags 40, 80 and 100 pounds. Deadlifts then pressed each bag with two hands. 10 minutes.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I did two sets of belt swings with the Beast last night. One minute each x 32 reps. I also did side presses for three sets. No time for anything else.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!
We went up to visit the in-laws up in Princeton yesterday. They had snow on the ground earlier in the day. Today we had frost. I brought the indian clubs with and did about 15 minutes of them after our second dinner when the sun came out. Those things really are amazing in the hands of a trained professional.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Yesterday I was sandbagging it. 40# and 100# bag. With the 100# bag I did squats with it on one shoulder and get ups from a sitting position. I'm starting to get into it now. My son Brock even got into picking up the 40# sandbag.
Tonight I trained with my friend Shelley. We did indian clubs and kettlebells. TgU's, swings ,open palm squats, med ball windmills, slams and more TgU's. She even tried hanging from the pull-up bar. I really like training with a partner but not many can hang.
Looking forward to Phoenix next month. It was 47 here and 96 there yesterday. I hope I don't melt...

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The 5000 year old workout...
Indian clubs for the warm up followed by various medicine ball throws to and fro around the yard with my oldest boy Alex for 15 minutes.
I really didn't feel like weights today. It was far wiser to recover and hit the fast-twitch muscle fibers with the med ball. I hope my neighbors enjoy the show.lol!
Med balls are better than Steroids.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

I heard about the Titan challenge while cruising around on Dragon Door.
75% of bodyweight TGU and 75% of bodyweight Swing.
Done it.
So today I got the rust off my version of the double kettlebell TGU. I worked uo to a 24k in the upper hand and a 32k in the lower hand. 56k total or 123lbs. US.
Swings I just tried some with two bells in one hand 16k and 24k. That kind of sucks and went to double swings instead.
With two different sized bells of course.
Worked up to two sets with a 32 and 24k bell x 10 reps.
I did some no-load bear crawls and open palm front squats with 2- 16k bells as my last exercise.
Four weeks until S-phase.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Shot some video footage of all my primary and supplemental Kettlebell Cardio Express exercises. That Android phone is Sweet!
Then I went onto belt swings 30seconds of 53#, 106# and 106=53# bells.
After that was sandbags. 40, 80 and 100# bags for various lifts and a few side presses. Clubs and hackey sack with Brock completed the training for today.