Kool Kettlebells

My training philosophy: Simple. Brief. Frequent.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

O.K. so I lied. I did workout yesterday. I did some lazy warm ups like bridging on the Bosu ball, downward and upward dogs, held the low position of a hindu squat. That was after letting my back rest for about 10 minutes laying on the bed talking to my wife on the phone doing Z drills too.
I did 408 one handed swings in 23:30 minutes with a 53# kettlebell. I worked it 30/30 work to rest ratio starting with the left hand for one cycle then the right for the next cycle. I didn't break a sweat until the last set. I met my goal of 400 reps. I will try more next time.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I heard that Barack Obama just won the Heisman trophy! He won it for watching a football game. OH!
R-Phase last month:
Jim asks Dr. Cobb "What do you do when you can't get your hand around the shoulder of your client"?
Dr. Cobb: Have him stop working out!
His client would be me.
Since that time that's been in the back of my mind. At work I work out for eight hours a day pretty much. Lifting, pushing, pulling walking while pushing and pulling weight. So when I get home I'm need to stretch out and relax. What better way to do that then Yoga.
Now I'm going to a different Chiropractor My body is trying to adjust itself also. So hitting the bells is not a great idea right now. So Yoga, Qigong and of course Z is the ticket.
Here's my new line: I'm not working out, I'm just doing Yoga".
No workouts, just Yoga. That way I can devote more time to my Artwork.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

WTF! Obama was "awarded" the Noble Peace Prize. With that nomination the Noble Peace Prize is about as prestigous as getting "Employee of the Month". What a crock. He has accomplished NOTHING!!!
End of post.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

I performed 300 swings with a 53# KB in 16:42 seconds this afternoon. I think that's a first for me. I was reading Bud Jeffries swing exploits and was inspired. That guy can do some serious swinging. He did 1000 with the Beast. He goes heavy one day then lighter the next. I like that way of doing things too. Except I like to do ladders on the heavy day. Work up to a heavy bell then start again with a lighter weight and go back up. It makes the lighter weight feel really light and helps get more reps with the heavier bells. I do the hand to hand swings on heavy days and single arm swings on the highter reps days. The two handed swing is not good for me done for high reps and sets. My hands are to big to fit into the handle and I have to collapse the upper body somewhat. Not very wise to make the body fit to the kettlebell. I make the kettlebell fit to me.
Swings are the focus of my training now. I do minor mobility work before and after the swings to get the muscles "activated".