Kool Kettlebells

My training philosophy: Simple. Brief. Frequent.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

I competed in the TSC yesterday.
Brad Nelson and I competed in the open division. Nobody trained for it, but we all did pretty well overall.
I just felt so relaxed this past week after the Z-Health Cert and felt so good with NO nagging aches and pains that I decided to compete.
Posted good numbers too.
Played it very conservatively with Dead lifts.
I had the best form on pull-ups.
Snatches were more or less hard style. Kept to my plan until after my 3rd set of snatches when I did my jumping snatch technique. That bit me in the arse! That's when my body said "take a break" but taking a break wasn't really helping.
My lungs are always the first thing to go. Legs and grip were great.
It was fun overall though. An intense group. One of our helpers Scott said he could just feel the energy in the air. That's what I like about competing too. Being part of that "electricity". It's addicting.
I'll probably compete again in six months, no matter what I tell Fawn.
And I might even train for it next time. lol!

-Joe out.


At 6:54 PM, Blogger fawn said...

Your pull-ups were perfect! Aaron and I talked about it again today! Very nice job!

At 6:08 AM, Blogger Joe Pavel said...

Thanks Fawn.
Like I said, I've done many, many, many pullups using good technique in the past. The groove is greased for pullups. Now I'll have to grease it up for deadlits and snatches.
Perfect reps= perfect practice= perfect performance.
That's my new Mantra.

-Joe out


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