Z-drills x 5 minutes to warm-up. Health lift- 0 x 5, 135 x 5, 225 x 4, 315 x 2, 405 x 2 x 3 sets.
Overhead squats- 0 x 5, 95 x 5 x 2 sets. I did get all the way down, more or less with this weight. It's still a balancing act more than anything.
Good Mornings- 95 x 5 x 2 sets.
Wall walk with 10 second hold halfway down the wall.
RKC snatch test- 24kg x 100 reps in 5:45 seconds. Don't really need to push these.
Wall walk and 20 second isometric holds x 2 sets.
Qigong exercises x 10 minutes to balance out the energy fields again.
I really miss going to John Du Canes Qigong classes. Moving meditation. His classes really did recharge me. It was the best training I did last year IMHO.
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