Kool Kettlebells

My training philosophy: Simple. Brief. Frequent.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

I read a Great article by Bud Jeffries about how he's lost 100 pounds and taken his conditioning to SuperHuman levels.
Here's just some of his stats: 53# bell x 3000 reps in 1:39. 106# bell x 1000 reps in 45 minutes. Yesterday I did some warm up deadlifts and swings working from 53 pounds up to the 106 pound bell. Then I dropped back and did a short ladder of swings with the 53 and 70 pound bells. 10 right + 10 left in about 33 seconds. Rested 27 seconds. I only did 120 reps like this. Then I did round-a-bouts; figure eights and figure eights to a hold and alternating deadlifts. All this for 30 seconds on/ off. 53 and then the 70 pound bell.
Iwas sweating like mad even thought the garage was around 30 degees. It took around 25 minutes to complete this.
The swing is the best KB exercise bar none, but I like to add the circular movements and when it's not -14 below zero outside I like the H2H stuff Jeff Martone has taught me.
The reason is because it's cool, I'm good at it and I can't stomach doing just swings. That would be like running on the treadmill day after endless day. So I must keep it interesting and productive.
Make your training time count.


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