Kool Kettlebells

My training philosophy: Simple. Brief. Frequent.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Yoga- Expensive stretching

I went from the Dr. to my chiropractor two weeks ago this coming Monday. The Dr. told me to take a lot of pain meds, my chiro Dr. John Hilpisch gave me a Blair adjustment. Immediate relief. I had to take some pain meds to deal with working 12 hour days on my feet. I had another adjustment this past Wednesday. I'll need to see him again this coming Monday too.
I couldn't even bend down to put my sock on my right foot, that's how bad it was.
Count your blessings if you can move and do what you want without pain.
By the way, I think this whole hip pain ordeal came about from doing yoga. The seated twisting, leg pretzel pose did me in after the second session in one week. That and sitting in a lawn chair watching my son play three soccer games in one day at a tournament.
Yoga- Expensive stretching.


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