Kool Kettlebells

My training philosophy: Simple. Brief. Frequent.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday August 13th 210- Didn't train with my friend Shelley. She did tell me an interesting bit of "news'. A former pain in the ASS group KB "person" who A. screwed me out of class money, B. drove away another Great class member, C. Tried to take another class member with her to another KB trainer. Now has Three Blown Discs in her back from said other KB trainer. Good for her!
What goes around, comes around.
Now she Can't do anything physical. Good for her. I can't feel bad for her.
Our family/ neighbors June and Steve invited us for dinner. June said she hurt her right leg hamstring. She saw the Doc and he manipulated it (more pain) and told her to take advil 3 x's a day. I did some testing and came to the conclusion that her Hubby Steve should rub all around her opposite elbow 3x per day. That's what made it feel better and test better on the hamstring strength test.
I did not hurt her or give her any drugs to help fix her. Her body will fix itself.


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